Sunday, August 25, 2013

Latest Moving Picture

We had a blast shooting the latest music video for Monster Hunters out at the Mormon Rocks in the Mojave Desert. We battled heat, wind, thirst and Yeti to make a super fun Steampunk music video just for you! If you like it please share! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Show Dates

If you haven't seen us a live, there are a smattering of upcoming shows you can be a part of.

6/30 - June 30th at Whimsic Alley www.whimsicalley.com as part of their Steampunk fair. We will be playing 3 sets between noon and 4pm for you to catch. This is our first LA show!!!

7/6 - Next is Gearcon in Portland July 5-7. http://pdxgearcon.com/ ROAD TRIP! WattsOn and I will be traveling via Airship to the tiny town of Portland. Steampunks be ready!!!!

7/19 - Mid July is every Geeks favorite holiday, San Diego Comic Con and we will be playing at the nearby Steam World Fair hosted by the Gaslight crew http://gaslightgathering.org/

7/27 - Then it's back to Northern California for the the second annual Steamstock. Get your tickets now!!! http://www.steamstock.org/

So there is no excuse why as a decent Steampunk you can't make one of these events. Stop by and say hi so we can be friends!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

DC Geeks

DC geeks mentioned me in a dandy blog recently alongside Professor Elemental and Mr. B; I do wish one of them would accept my challenge to a true Chap Battle. A battle of Compliments! A Compliment off if you would! Anywho, I blabber, get your read on and make those synapses fire!

Give it a read. http://blog.dc-geeks.com/2013/05/chap-hop-tweed-revolution.html

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Steampunk Jam session

     I'm lumped into Chap Hop by default, but I like to think of my music as novelty music for Steampunks. Here is some music jammed in the hallway with Nathan Johnstone and Unwoman

And a gratuitous shot of the best fans ever Jeff and Lisa Vaca.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Museum of Sonic Weaponry

     On display is the "Museum of Sonic Weaponry" used in the making of the album "Run DM Steam" please take the self guided tour at you leisure. You can read a detailed description simply by matching up the numbers written on the specimen tags with the corresponding description listed below.

The Museum of Sonic Weaponry guided tour.

#OJ9 – Sonic Amplifier– A Tesla inspired power conductor that amplifies auditory elements for the sonic enjoyment of large groups. *Does not go up to 11.

#OTH3 – Theremin - The Theremin ætherphone/Etherphone, thereminophone or termenvox/thereminvox is an early electronic musical instrument controlled without discernible physical contact from the player. It is named after the westernized name of its Russian inventor, Léon Theremin, who patented the device in 1928. The Theremin that is on display at the MOSW is geared for experimentation. Please feel free to play and experiment with the Theremin.

#O96 – Condensed Steam- Steam is the technical term for water vapor, the gaseous phase of water, which is formed when water boils. Water vapor cannot be seen, and steam does not occur until water has reached 212 degrees. With Steam you can power many things. See video explanation here - http://youtu.be/Uhb-7fgWVl0

#913 – Photograph - Slide Film of Poplock Holmes battling a Chupacabra in Costa Rica captured on film (On  display in France at this time, returns to the Americas in June)

#054 – LD1 - Leprechaun Detector. If you are a leprechaun, the air that emits from this small device burns immensely. If you are human or other, you feel nothing.

#OGR7 – Pepé Le Pew – This cute little ray gun is a weapon of mass hysteria. Few can hold a straight face once pewed.

#0975 – Weston Volt Meter – You WILL get shocked of you don’t use one of these. Electricity hertz. Manual is attached for ease of operation.

#064C - Portable Sonic Amplifier – The same as #0J9 except it extracts power from inert static electricity. No room to transport. Need a larger Airship. The HMA Albatross simply has no more room.

#043 – Machine that goes Vwub – Where all Vwub-Vwub bass sounds originate. The most expensive machine deployed at the MOSW. Currently on loan.

#077 – Pen - Writing pen, stolen from a  Trole late 1600’s.

#MIC – M1 - Custom built microphone for live performances. Built by Tesla in 1943 and only recently discovered hidden inside a wall chamber at Wardenclyffe during recent renovations.

#04HT – Forged Copper Hammer - The Hammer that is referenced when it is “Hammer Time”. The forged copper head gives it a unique, deep thud that quickly deteriorates in the mix.

#0BLX – Blunderbuxx - One of a kind. It is much larger than it’s tiny, little brother the Blunderbuss. It can capture a sound from over 3 miles away.

#0XV – Magnaphone - for voice magnifying and flash performances. Includes an electromusic box for music accompaniment.

#0314 - Stereopticon Version1 with stereo 3D slide of Poplock Holmes in Italy.

#03D -  Stereopticon Version 2 – Incomplete, from the personal collection of Thomas Edison.

#033 - Illumunagnifier – A magnifying glass capable of illuminating subjects, found in an abandoned Illumunati meeting hall in Illinois

#0AS1 – Alphabet Sea flash cards - They are one of only 3 items for sale at the Museum of Sonic Weaponry. $10 per set. Hand Illustrated, limited to 1000 sets.

#081 – A Sonic Sampler (CD) – From the Poplock Holmes beat laboratory; Work in progress tracks from the forthcoming EP “Run DM Steam”. 7 songs. Hand pressed. Limited to 300 CD’s $10 each

#0RR – Botmarks - Set of 3 Robot bookmarks featuring boy robots, Max Gigarams, Red and 11. The back of each one is covered with unique games, jokes and robot facts. Hand Illustrated, limited to 1000 sets. $2 per set of 3, 3 sets for $5.

#00H9 & #00H9b – The Audiotron 1900 Sonic Absorberay gun - A two part unit consisting of the handheld Audio Absorberay gun and the Sonic Snapshot helmet. No sound or wild beats can escape it’s detection and capture in the wild.

#1138 – Collection of vials containing wild beats used in the making of the album Run DM Steam. Consisting of less than 2 microdrams each of the following: Found, Natural, India, Africa, Mexico, Ireland, Scotland, Brass beats, Micro beats, and a brass ring (one size fits none).

#006 - Lions Roar captured in Sahara 1839

#072 - Yet Scream 1863

#OM3 – Monkey Wrench

#007 – Monkey Chirp, Michigan 1846

#049 – Brass Monkey Chalice

#044 – Made in Dublin 1851/2

#023L – Shrunken Wild Beats Head – So small I bet you didn’t see it. Mounted on a tiny plaque with all possible beat pipes plugged, it is tucked away in a corner of sound and imagery, hiding for the innately curious to discover like a 3 week old Easter egg.

     This concludes the tour; at this point you may repeat the tour as many times as you would like, and please purchase multiple souvenirs.

Thank you,
Sir Poplock Holmes

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Poplock Press Release


Chap Hop is the Genre - Victorian flavored hip hop, revolving around drinking tea, smoking a pipe, time traveling and hunting cryptozoological monsters. It's a world powered by steam where people travel by airships. It inspires creativity at conventions and meet up groups across the nation, and it's time is now. Steampunk is the scene. Chap Hop is the music.

At it's helm the fore runners Professor Elemental and Mr. B are closely tailed by newcomer and sole American artist on the scene Poplock Holmes. Together with DJ Doc Wattson, they drop fat beats and gentleman rhymes to an audience eager for spokesperson under the moniker Run DM Steam.

Below are some links to better understand the performances of Poplock Holmes and Run DM Steam!

Live at Wild Wild West fest - Street Performance - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYyytm-oYxA

Music Video shot between takes at Wild Wild West Fest - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhb-7fgWVl0

Song that started it all - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX2t1aaVkNY

Poplock Holmes is the MC plus performing for the event Clockwork Alchemy -http://www.clockworkalchemy.com/

Also playing upcoming events at Calico Wild west fest, Gaslamp Gathering in San Diego, and Dr Watsons Steampunk Art Extravaganza in Oceanside.

Bookings available Mid May for your Steampunk event!
*Some exceptions for So Cal venues

For bookings contact poplockholmes@gmail.com and be sure to visit www.poplockholmes.com

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Social connections

Let's get social shall we? You can follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/poplockholmes
 You can like me on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PoplockHolmes
   You can listen on Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/jerrold-ridenour
     And Watch on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/poplockholmes

Friday, March 22, 2013

Steam Power

     With all of our men up in the air, we need all able bodied woman to help stoke the furnaces and turn the heat up. We need your heat to make more steam! Report to your nearest Steam & Power district to volunteer. Volunteering is mandatory for all woman ages 14-65.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Music Film

Shot between sets at the Wild Wild West con 2, the video for STEAM features the incredible set that is Old Town Tucson. Enjoy this film while eating slow roasted Chupacabra for maximum enjoyment.

Fan Video

It's been a long ride and a lot of hard work to get to this meager beginning. Poplock Holmes is here to stay. Here are two songs from my first set of performances.

Thank you Tucson and Wild Wild West con for having me!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Some postcards for your fancy pants.

The beat laboratory.

A lion? In Africa?

Well then, by Jove let's go for it.

Don't hate the racers, hate the race.

New tracks are being produced at a frenetic pace. I am working alone on cranking out tracks and working with a new addition to the group on a stage show that will make your jaw drop. Stay tuned. Check out my work in progress EP "Run DM Steam"