Steampunk cons get better every year. More wonderful people come out to play and bring with them wonderfully creative costumes and props. This year the Wild Wild West con put on in Tucson, Arizona was by far the most immersive and jolly good time I have had in years. Mixing what I love most about Sci Fi, historical re-enactment, a working film set and of course great entertainment. The Cog is Dead, Nathaniel Johnstone, Dino Staats, Steam Powered Giraffe and of course, the mad Professor Elemental were all incredible as always. I had the privilege to introduce Professor Elemental perform his set and we had a great conversation about classic hip hop, our influences and the future of Chap Hop. Brian Kessinger is super nice guy and he was always surrounded by lovely models, making his small respite in the courthouse a blessed sanctuary after preparing our stage outside. Speaking of which, we owned the blue wagon stage this year. Joined by a shovel wielding musician by the name of Shoveley McGee, we raised the bar, or lowered it, by including a Shovel turned into slide guitar in to our Chap Hop sets. We debuted the newest track Carousel and did a fun secret show at the Carousel in the park with the riders who were kicked off the Carousel in San Diego for which the song was written... So meta. So now it's 2014 and we are mid stream to a new album, playing a bunch of shows and looking forward to meeting new fans and sharing tales of joy!
If you haven't been to a Steampunk event, stop what you are doing and find out where the nearest event is, hop on the train and get on it.
Thank you Joshua Reed for the photo session and thank you Diana Givens for having us at the 3rd annual Wild Wild West con 3.
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