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Sunday, November 26, 2017
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Buy the Poplock Holmes CD
11:30 AM J
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / album / cd / chap / chap hop / hip hop / music / poplock holmes / single / song / steam punk. steampunked
Monday, February 16, 2015
New Music Video in progress.
8:06 AM J
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
DC Geeks
8:35 AM J
DC geeks mentioned me in a dandy blog recently alongside Professor Elemental and Mr. B; I do wish one of them would accept my challenge to a true Chap Battle. A battle of Compliments! A Compliment off if you would! Anywho, I blabber, get your read on and make those synapses fire!
Give it a read. http://blog.dc-geeks.com/2013/05/chap-hop-tweed-revolution.html
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / hip / hop / music / poplock holmes / steampunk / victorian
Sunday, May 19, 2013
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / gentleman / hip / hop / music / poplock holmes / rhymer / steampunk / tea / victorian
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / itunes / music / poplock holmes / punk / steam punks / steampunk / victorian
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Some postcards for your fancy pants.
12:59 PM J
chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / hop / itunes / music / poplock holmes / punk / rap / rhyme / rhymer / rhymes / song / steam / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / victorian
Monday, June 25, 2012
Blogs, blogged on my blog.
1:08 PM J
chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / hop / music / poplock holmes / punk / rhyme / rhymer / rhymes / song / steam / steam punk / steampunk / tea / victorian