Upcoming Event - Iron Horse Carnivale

Mark your calendars ladies and gentleman, the Iron Horse Carnivale is returning for it's 4th year to Perris, California on Mar 18th & 19th Featuring Vendors, workshops, Steampunk activities,...
Home » Posts filed under chap hop
3:48 PM J
Mark your calendars ladies and gentleman, the Iron Horse Carnivale is returning for it's 4th year to Perris, California on Mar 18th & 19th Featuring Vendors, workshops, Steampunk activities,...
#poplockholmes / chap / chap hop / event / fair / festival / iron horse carnival / poplock holmes / steampunk
11:30 AM J
If you are looking to enjoy the sonic satisfaction of Poplock Holmes, well, you have exceptionally fine taste and should be rewarded. Here is the link you have been searching for. The Chap Hop album...
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / album / cd / chap / chap hop / hip hop / music / poplock holmes / single / song / steam punk. steampunked
12:47 PM J
I finally got around to doing a new music video. Shot on the 5D mk2 in a short afternoon. I hope to be doing some more shortly. Check it out and share it around! ...
11:16 AM J
Ladies and Gentleman! TOUR NEWS! 1/16/15 - Steampunk Symposium aboard the Queen Mary. www.hrmsteam.com I will be at the event for the duration, when the schedule is updated, I'll...
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / poplock holmes / steampunk / wild wild west con
9:33 AM J
Steampunk cons get better every year. More wonderful people come out to play and bring with them wonderfully creative costumes and props. This year the Wild Wild West con put on in Tucson, Arizona...
8:42 PM Unknown
We had a blast shooting the latest music video for Monster Hunters out at the Mormon Rocks in the Mojave Desert. We battled heat, wind, thirst and Yeti to make a super fun Steampunk music video just for you! If you like it please share!&nbs...
#chaphop / #djwattson / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / poplock holmes / steam punk / steampunk / victorian
10:35 AM J
If you haven't seen us a live, there are a smattering of upcoming shows you can be a part of. 6/30 - June 30th at Whimsic Alley www.whimsicalley.com as part of their Steampunk fair. We will be playing...
#chaphop / #djwattson / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / hip / hop / poplock holmes / steampunk / tea / victorian
11:56 AM J
I'm lumped into Chap Hop by default, but I like to think of my music as novelty music for Steampunks. Here is some music jammed in the hallway with Nathan Johnstone and Unwoman http://doctorfantastiques.com/2013/05/clockwork-alchemy-day-3-recap/ And...
#chaphop / #djwattson / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / clockwork alchemy / nathan johnstone / poplock holmes / steampunk / tea / unwoman / victorian
10:37 PM J
There are a bunch more on YouTube, please check them out and share! ...
#chaphop / #music / #steampunk / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / rhymer / steam punks / steampunk
11:20 PM J
Wild BEats with a funny intro, Poplock forgets the words, or Wattson forgets the song. You decide. ...
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / steam punk / steampunk
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / itunes / music / poplock holmes / punk / steam punks / steampunk / victorian
12:32 PM J
On display is the "Museum of Sonic Weaponry" used in the making of the album "Run DM Steam" please take the self guided tour at you leisure. You can read a detailed description simply...
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / steam / steam punk / steampunk / victorian
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / rap / rhyme / rhymer / steam punks / steampunk / tea / victorian
11:26 PM J
Let's get social shall we? You can follow me on Twitter - https://twitter.com/poplockholmes You can like me on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PoplockHolmes You can listen...
#chaphop / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / hop / itunes / punk / steam / tea / victorian
12:02 AM Unknown
With all of our men up in the air, we need all able bodied woman to help stoke the furnaces and turn the heat up. We need your heat to make more steam! Report to your nearest...
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / rhymer / song / steam / steam pink / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / tea / victorian
11:59 PM Unknown
Are you tired of being treated like a nice guy? Do you have the desire to say mean things and wear a mask! Join the Monster Empire now! Recruiters are flying by! ...
#chaphop / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / rhyme / rhymer / rhymes / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / tea / victorian
10:54 PM Unknown
Shot between sets at the Wild Wild West con 2, the video for STEAM features the incredible set that is Old Town Tucson. Enjoy this film while eating slow roasted Chupacabra for maximum enjoyment. ...
chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / itunes / poplock holmes / punk / rhymer / rhymes / song / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / tea / victorian
12:59 PM J
The beat laboratory. A lion? In Africa? Well then, by Jove let's go for it. Don't hate the racers, hate the race. New tracks are being produced at a frenetic pace. I am working...
chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / hop / itunes / music / poplock holmes / punk / rap / rhyme / rhymer / rhymes / song / steam / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / victorian
chap / chap hop / gentleman / poplock holmes / rhyme / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk / victorian
10:42 AM J
You can now purchase the single "Pass the Tea" on iTunes and directly support fine independent music. Your generous support will help get more dandy fresh tracks recorded. Please spread the word. The...
apple / chap / chap hop / gentleman / hip / itunes / poplock holmes / punk / rap / rhyme / rhymer / steam / steam punk / steampunk