New Music Video in progress.

They say the cobblers kids go barefoot, true is the same of an artist working on a project for him/herself. Even though video production is my main bag, I haven't shot very many...
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8:06 AM J
They say the cobblers kids go barefoot, true is the same of an artist working on a project for him/herself. Even though video production is my main bag, I haven't shot very many...
11:56 AM J
I'm lumped into Chap Hop by default, but I like to think of my music as novelty music for Steampunks. Here is some music jammed in the hallway with Nathan Johnstone and Unwoman And...
#chaphop / #djwattson / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / chap hop / clockwork alchemy / nathan johnstone / poplock holmes / steampunk / tea / unwoman / victorian