Some Steampunk news

Fellow Steampunks! I am so sorry to have been absent for such a period of time. As you can see I am now the subject of a Steampunk cartoon, playing the character known as Chaz Von Steam. It's been...
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6:48 PM J
Fellow Steampunks! I am so sorry to have been absent for such a period of time. As you can see I am now the subject of a Steampunk cartoon, playing the character known as Chaz Von Steam. It's been...
#chaphop / #djwattson / #music / #poplockholmes / #steampunk / animation / apple / cartoon / dj wattson / gentleman / itunes / Legopunk / music video / shovel guitar / steam punk / steam punks / steampunk news / steampunknews / tea
9:33 AM J
Steampunk cons get better every year. More wonderful people come out to play and bring with them wonderfully creative costumes and props. This year the Wild Wild West con put on in Tucson, Arizona...